My Poems...


       Alone in a room

A breeze.
A short burst of air.
A fog.
It's hard to see.
A blur.
Streaking across the room.
Two eyes,
A nose,
Two small pink lips.

That's what I see
Isn't it?
I hear a short laugh.
Faint but sweet.
Threatening but gentle.
Lonely and sad.
It calls to me.

There it is again.
Was it a ghost?
Some shadows?
Just my imagination?
Will I ever know for sure?


I don't know when
          The shadows fell.
I don't know when
          The light moved on.
I just know that
          I'm all alone
In a world that's
          Lost all hope.

The people
          Are turning
Toward the violence
          And the rage
The children are
          Crying out loud.

When did these
          Changes occur?
Will the madness
          Ever end?
For I cant understand
          The meaning of life
With the death,
          The riots, the pain.

Writer's Block
Not knowing what to say.
Not knowing how to say it.
Not knowing where to start.
Not knowing how to end.
Now knowing how to say
          What's really on your mind.
Are you sure only writers get it?


The night wind blows
The cool breeze whispers
I shiver silently
And cry.

I cry for the wind
And the sorrow that it brings.
I cry for the breeze
And the silent words it speaks.

I cry for myself
And the pain that I feel
As the world closes in
Around me.

The world comes to a close.
I'm all alone in the dark.
With nowhere else to go.

Where does this leave me?
Where am I now?
Why am I all alone
In the dark?

All colors

All colors,
All shapes.
Yet the same.
Joined by the fact
That to a blind man
They are all things
He cannot see.


Slowly falling.
Never landing
On the hard cement
I see below.

To feel the pain,
But it never comes,
And I am anxious.
When will this end?

I haven't reached
The ground yet,
But I see it
Always coming closer.

I see a blinding light.
It gets brighter,
And I am enveloped
By its radiance.

I feel something soft
Beneath my bare feet,
Nothing like I expected,
But very welcome.

Don't forget to smile.
Keep laughing.
Just be happy...

Doesn't it make you
          Want to gag?
Who says
You have to smile,
Or be happy?
Can't we just live
Our lonely, miserable
Without joy?

But just think.
Without joy
Where would we be?
Sad, pathetic souls
With nowhere to go
And nothing to do.

What are you talking about?
Joy is for wimps.
Who needs it?
Now there's a challenge.
People always say
Life is sad,
And after all
Aren't we living
We're not in
La la land
Where everything
Is happy.
We're on
Where life is hard
And sad.

But joy is
A part of it, too.
Who'd want
To live
If we didn't
Have joy?

I would.
To dwell on the
The suffering.
I live for
The sad,
Depressing lives
We would live
Without joy.

Are you sick?

But of course.
Aren't we all?
In some small
Way, shape, or form?

I suppose.
But that's not the point.
We were talking
About joy.

I know.
It's all connected.
Is a combination.
We must compromise
Join forces.
The good and the bad,
Joy and suffering.
Two part
Of one whole.
After all
Isn't that what
Makes us


An empty room
Surrounds me.
I can hear
Myself breathing.
And I wonder.
Can anyone else?
Am I really
As alone
As I think I am?
Is someone
Watching me?

I feel eyes
On my back.
Is it my
Or is someone
Really watching me?

I'm getting
The clock
Ticks softly.
And I wonder.
Will I ever
Get over this

I hear
In the hall.
But slowly
Getting louder.
My heart
Beats faster.
The blood
Pumps in
My veins.
I'm sweating now.
The time is
Coming closer
As do the
Who is it?


They stop.
I hear the
Heavy wooden door
I turn
My head.
The person
At the door
Looks at me.
A stranger.

"I'm sorry.
I have the
Wrong room."

My heart
Slows down.
I feel
Normal now.
"That's OK."